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Fragile Pampas

Surprise Farm retreats seek to restore balance, harmony, and relationship the surround of nature teaches.

If we experience the creative and the kind in community, then more likely we can embody authentic selves out into the world, and thus make a difference. 

Whether you want to learn about the life of a plant or consider yourself a wild bird in this universe, whether you are a participant who wants to explore the relationship between us and the other-than-human, or you are the professional who wants to learn about how nature heals, our experiences are designed to Plant, Bridge and Grow: we plant the seed that nature is our home for well-being. The bridge symbolizes the cross over to new ideas, perspectives and spaces less familiar, with the hope that we grow from our experiences.


Workshop themes include Human Development; Native Plants, Herbs and Healing; Ritual and Spirituality; Sustainability and Quality of Life; Expressive Arts and Creative Writing; Mindfulness; Native Landscapes and Geology; Wisdom Traditions; Recovery Groups in Nature, Ecopsychology, and integrative combinations of the above.The San Diego County location allows for almost year-round programs.

  • Activities: Weekly or monthly weekday activities, 1 to 3 hrs, when participants meet and explore nature on a regular basis and form community.

  • Workshops: Weekend workshops, lasting from1 -2 days, when participants learn, experience, and discover how to deepen their relationships with nature, Self, and community.

  • Events: Special events, such as Open House, Nature Retreats, and Music Festivals to explore and enjoy our Center.

Surprise Farm Retreat Center offers three types of workshops:

  • Workshops, completely designed and run by ourselves (the officers and staff, board of directors and advisory board). (regular programs and specialized for grants)

  • Workshops, co-designed, created and run together with other individuals and organizations with similar mission statements. (grant collaboration)

  • Workshops and space to organizations with similar mission and interests who use the Center’s grounds and service, to support their service activities.

We Plant, Bridge, and Grow
We plant the seed that nature is our home for well-being. The bridge symbolizes that we cross over to new ideas, perspectives and places less familiar, with the hope that we grow from our experiences.


Learning Opportunities at SFRC

  • to ground in nature

  • to experience & share authenticity

  • to practice generosity and gratitude

  • to co-create community

  • to change society at grass-roots

 Interested in collaboration?

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